I’m Micke Hagman and I serve you in sales. I have worked with lifting and transfer equipment for a long time, but there is still much to learn. Previously, I worked at Finnlift Materialinkäsittely Oy for more than 20 years, and before that at Ekström Oy for a long time. the experience of the suitability and use of different devices in different industries has been accumulated over the years.
In the past, lifting capacity and price were the most important criteria, but today the importance of ergonomics and the ease of use of the equipment, and especially knowing how to choose the right equipment for the customer’s needs, have grown more important. This is also where the interest lies, why I gladly invest in every meeting so that I can continue to serve.
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CEO, Partner
040 5550805

In picture: Michael Hagman
I am Roy Söderholm and I am in charge of Finnhoist’s business and financial affairs. I have worked since 2005 as a business consultant in the hoist business.
Follow on LinkedIn:
Roy Söderholm
Business Partner
050 5258915

Maintenance and repairs Jari Koponen
040 7500700
I’m Jari Koponen and I’m in charge of equipment maintenance.. I have long-term experience with lifting tables, lifting trolleys and lifting equipment in general, as well as other special equipment such as gears, controls and AC/DC motors.

Rajatorpantie 41 c
01640 Vantaa
+358 40 555 0805
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Youtube -videos
- Winches and lifting devices 2
- Electric winches
- Hand winches
- Rack and pinion jacks
- Duct closing winches
- Motorized shutters
- Portable light swivel lifts
- Lifting tables, loading docks and industrial doors
- Special lift trucks and customized solutions
- Roll Handling
- Stainless steel lifting equipments
- Mobile jib cranes